Addressing Health Villains To Become Health Superheroes

This is an image of Dr. Vinet in her office.

Setting attainable health goals can feel overwhelming, given the overabundance of information out there. Holistic goal setting can help you take a whole body, whole mind, and whole spirit approach to your health. At Scientifically Natural, we take numerous factors into account that impact your well-being, including nutrition, physical activity, mental health, emotional wellness, social wellness, and even environmental and genetic factors because the reality is that when it comes to your health, everything is connected. As a society, we tend to ask for a quick fix, and while there are numerous supplements and immune system boosters available, sometimes, the best thing we can do for our health is to rid ourselves of health robbers or what we like to call health villains. These villains can act to counter our health efforts and can leave us feeling stuck even when we try to adopt healthy changes.

Embracing the connection of your mind, body, and spirit is significant to the success of your health journey. Any minor change can have compounding downstream effects in seemingly unrelated places, so use this connection to your advantage. Instead of allowing yourself to feel overwhelmed by trying to adopt too many changes at once, try adopting one thing a week or even a month and be prepared to notice significant impacts in your health that are sustainable. The easiest place to start is with removing health villains from your life. Below are my top eight health villains that you can start addressing today.


  1. Refined Sugar: Refined sugar makes our immune system cells slow and inefficient, which makes us much more susceptible to toxins and disease.
  2. Exposure to allergens and sensitivities: This may seem obvious, but eating foods that you are allergic or sensitive to diverts our bodies’ immune system cells and resources to deal with resulting inflammation instead of to potential invaders or existing issues.
  3. Alcohol: Alcohol is a toxin that decreases white blood cell count and activity in a very similar manner to that of refined sugar, making it more difficult for us to fight off diseases and deal with normal bodily functions, allowing toxins to accumulate in tissues.
  4. Nutrient depletion or impaired nutrient absorption: When our diet is lacking in variety or we are unable to process or absorb vitamins like C, D and zine are immune system is sluggish.
  5. Environmental toxin exposure: This is an overlap of several villains and can be a result of alcohol, dietary choices, and environmental toxins like pesticides and pollution.
  6. Excessive stress (physical, emotional, biochemical): Stress can come in the form of emotional stress or trauma, physical stress from overexertion or injury, and stress due to lack of sleep. Any form of stress, perceived or otherwise, increases cortisol levels and triggers sympathetic states of fight or flight, which can be damaging, especially when chronic.
  7. Vaccinations and repeated antibiotic or medication use: This is not a negative stance on vaccines, but rather an understanding that vac-cinations, by design, are meant to elicit an immune response, as are antibiotics and other medications. So, for 1-2 weeks after vaccinations and after prolonged use of medications, your immune system is weakened and therefore, is on my villain list. This is something significant to keep in mind when planning events, travel, or large group gatherings shortly after vaccinations or during the use of certain medications.
  8. Chronic exposure to infections or infectious agents: Chronic exposure to infections, even when we don’t succumb to illness, leaves our immune system exhausted from being in a constant state of defense.
    This chronic activation of our immune defenses can lead to long term health issues.
    Heather Vinet

    The best way to jumpstart your health is to address these health villains through dietary changes, stress management, and lifestyle modifications.

    One size does not fit all when it comes to your health and nutrition; everyone has individual needs depending on many factors, so just because it is “healthy” does not mean that it is right for you. At Scientifically Natural, I can provide you with specific approaches to address these villains and develop a specialized holistic health plan that meets you where you are and brings you to where you want to be. I focus on you as a whole to uncover the root cause of your issues and health concerns so that you can begin healing naturally and become your own health superhero. *

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